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5x9 vBBRAS System

Project goals

In order to accommodate higher user throughput and rising customer numbers, we developed a virtualized BNG solution that will meet the scalability and availability requirements set by today’s customers. Driven by experience deploying and operating legacy hardware BNGs, our platform implements best-practice solutions and reduces complexity of maintaining large-scale BNG deployments. The details are in the document below, but if you have any questions, drop us an e-mail.

Project value

Total project value: 1.725.320,60 HRK
EU grant amount: 1.482.519,40 HRK
Project implementation period:
01.11.2017. – 01.11.2018.
Contact for more info
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Pet Puta devet Ltd.

Download datasheet


5x9 Threat Monitoring System

Project goals

5×9 Threat Monitoring System is a cyber security system with the goal of detection and mitigation of security and traffic anomalies. The project goal is to create a system that actively monitors all parts of the network and centrally analyzes collected data using machine learning. In coordination with 5×9 Threat Monitoring System components and through interaction with active network equipment, the system identifies each safety and traffic anomaly and prepares automated actions to mitigate the anomaly.

Project goals

Total project value: 30.718.007,37 HRK
EU grant amount: 21.081.299,01 HRK
Project implementation period:
30.03.2021. – 30.09.2023.
Contact for more info
Project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Pet Puta devet d.o.o.

Principle of avoiding conflicts of interest

Pet puta devet d.o.o. is guided by principle of avoiding conflicts of interest in its procurement processes.

Following are the companies in conflict of interest with Pet puta devet d.o.o.:

  • Šest Puta Devet, obrt za informatičke usluge i savjetovanje, vl. Mario Jurčević, Zagreb, Ljudevita Jonkea 15, OIB: 87268658243
  • Perimetar, obrt za informatičke i komunikacijske usluge, vl. Lana Alberini, Zagreb, Mandlova 3, OIB: 99614221464
  • Petula, Obrt za informatičke usluge, vl. Irena Rajtar, Zagreb, ulica Brune Bušića 14, OIB: 28212061066